Navigating Together

As we navigate 2020, we are so glad to have you as a partner in the gospel. Your financial and prayerful support allows us to empower urban leaders and partner with local churches to reach their cities with the gospel. 

Based on the tremendous fruit we have seen from past church-planting efforts, we look forward to seeing many Evangel Deans trained who will then host Evangel Schools of Urban Church Planting in their areas in the future, preparing teams to launch new churches in under-resourced neighborhoods. 

Historically nearly 3,000 leaders have been trained via satellite campuses of The Urban Ministry Institute (TUMI). We look forward to assisting more pastors and ministry leaders launch new satellite campuses and continue to provide solid theological education and ministry preparation to a large number of TUMI students. 

Because of your faithful prayers and gifts to our ministry, we are able to continue to pursue the God-sized vision in front of us. 

Thank you for your continued love, grace, and many prayers that fuel our ministry and souls. Thank you for your financial support, without which we could not empower leaders like these. May the Lord bless you for your partnership in the gospel. 

Know that as you pray for us, we are praying for you. May the Lord continue to grant us all the grace and strength needed to do all that He puts before us.