
Hundreds of Christian leaders are receiving training inside the prison system before being released. We can equip your church for effective ministry both inside and outside the prison walls.

How does prison ministry training benefit your ministry?

  • Gives a turn-key solution for training for your church to welcome the formerly incarcerated.
  • Offers the ability to contextualize prison ministry training for your teams.
  • Impact the recidivism rate in your community.
  • Fellowship of like-minded people engaged in reaching their city with the gospel.
  • Increased access to other World Impact programs and resources as an approved World Impact ministry partner.

"I got involved in TUMI in Centinela Prison, Level 3. For me there was accountability with a lot of the brothers. They were always like, ‘Did you study today or did you read your Bible?" Or "Did you do the memory verse?’ There was a sense of accountability, a sense of community that regardless of how dark it was, how chaotic it was, there was a community that loves God and one that was willing to meet every few times a week just to study or just to fellowship or to worship.” -Justin C., Los Angeles, CA

Get trained in prison ministry

With training, men and women who have experienced incarceration can be powerful agents to advance God’s Kingdom in and through your local church. Trained leaders reduce the number of repeat offenders and are catalysts for ministry growth in your community.


  • Complete application process.
  • Pay registration fee (based on income).
  • Active within a local church.
  • Affirm World Impact’s Statement of Faith.
  • Complete a brief interview with a Prison Ministry Program Director.
  • Participate in program orientation.
  • Purchase required texts (hard copies or Kindle versions when available).

How does it work?

World Impact’s Prison Ministry Program trains churches and ministries to equip prisoners and returned citizens to do effective ministry in and through the local church in two ways.

Training on the Inside

We establish Church-Based Seminary satellites inside prisons in partnership with churches and ministries like you. We are currently training over 1,400 leaders on the inside.
  • Apply to become a Church-Based Seminary Satellite on the inside.
  • Complete supplemental prison site coordinator application.

Training on the Outside

World Impact’s Onesimus Workshops train churches and ministries to equip prisoners and welcome the formerly incarcerated into the life of the church while empowering them to do effective ministry.

Named after the runaway slave in the book of Philemon, the workshop is designed to equip you as your ministry creates space for returning citizens to use their giftings for the Kingdom.

How does it work?

  • Attend a workshop or orientation.
  • Host an Onesimus Workshop on your own or in collaboration with World Impact
  • Each of the 4 sessions is approximately 2 hours long.
  • Can be completed at your own pace. We recommend one 8-hour workshop.
  • Purchase the program materials:

Reach out for more information

We look forward to sharing more about our training or providing you with more information.

Click the button below and we will be in touch as soon as possible.