Growth and Faithfulness

Week after week we anticipate and participate in several Bible studies. On Tuesday nights we have women’s and men’s groups, on Wednesday nights we gather to worship, on Thursday nights we hold TUMI class, and on Sunday mornings there is Sunday school followed by our service. There are many other activities in which we participate in between, but these are the main studies we look forward to attending. We value these times of Spirit-led teaching and the love and fellowship shown by our fellow brothers and sisters at our gatherings.

Recently, we received a call from Ms. Aline. She and my wife Becky talk almost every night. She always checks up on us to see how we were doing and how our day went. To our surprise, she called us to say that she had prepared our Sunday dinner. We needed to pick it up so we would not have to worry about fixing food for Sunday after church. What a special unexpected blessing it was to us that particular weekend and we could see her demonstrating the love of Christ to us as she served us with her gift of cooking. We were very thankful and humbled.

When we first met Ms. Aline, she was attended church only once in a while and usually went to different churches. Now, she is a faithful member and one of our church leaders. She is responsible for making follow-up calls to visiting guests and church members. She is also developing confidence in leading Bible studies and speaking in front of the church body. She often recites poems during the fifth Sunday gathering of the month, when the women are in charge of the program. We have seen much growth in Ms. Aline and her family as they continue to be faithful to attend church activities. We are thankful to the Lord for the increase He is doing with her family as well as with others He has brought to our group.

Every day we see the Holy Spirit at work in the lives of individuals we serve as they walk out what they are learning in our Bible studies. Over and over, we are being taught that Jesus Christ must be at the center of who we are and everything that we do, so that we will be able to make an impact for the Lord on those around us as we model Christ and shine the light of Christ here in the city.

Jim and Becky Elam are World Impact missionaries in Dallas, TX.