Spring at LACS

Greetings from Los Angeles Christian School (LACS) and Happy Spring! We are definitely feeling spring fever here in the fifth grade class at LACS. Easter is so late this year, which pushes our spring break back. This makes for a long session between Christmas break and spring break, but it also means when we get back to school from spring break, we are so close to the end of the school year. The end of the year is a fun time for fifth grade because we hold our Culmination ceremony, which celebrates the hard work and accomplishment of finishing up elementary school!

One of the many things I love about LACS is our emphasis on discipleship. I am not just a teacher, but also a mentor and life coach to my students. I am aware of the huge responsibility I have with each group of students, to lead in a way that reflects Christ and points them to a deeper relationship of their own with God. This is not something I take lightly!

One of the things I love to do with the girls in my class is to have a “Girls Hang Out” time after school. We usually have snacks, do crafts of some kind, chat and laugh together, and go play outside. It is very casual, but it is an invaluable way to connect and gain the trust of my lovely young ladies. This is one of the unique and amazing opportunities afforded to me because we are a private Christian school, and it makes teaching and loving these kids so much easier!

Will you pray for me and for the kids in my class, especially the girls? It can be really hard for girls to be good friends to each other, because of jealousy, comparing, or just being very different from each other. I am praying for God’s love to be the center of these student’s lives, and that His love will pour out of each one of them toward each other, and toward every person in their lives. This is a big job and these precious eyes are watching me, so please pray that I will live a life that shows this kind of God-centered love and one that is honoring of God and of these beautiful kids.

Read more from LACS teacher Jessica Froman.