Faces of World Impact Topeka

This is such an exciting time to be in urban ministry. That isn’t to say that it is an easy time, but it is a time when opportunities are endless. I am constantly challenged with the need to equip as many new leaders for the urban church as possible, as quickly as possible, and in the most affordable ways possible.

Faces come to mind when I think of emerging leaders: students in the 6 Fight the Good Fight of Faith classes we just completed in the Shawnee County Jail, neighbors who love the Lord and are learning His ways, SIAFU members who know that our groups will be there when they need to connect with Christian friends, TUMI-Topeka students who cross the finish line of each class with the major goal of winning their city for the Kingdom of Christ, and members of the Church Inside at our jail Annex where students rotate and serve by bringing the Word each week. I also think of the pastors, chaplains, authorities and community leaders who have the same goals and are on the front lines of service daily, especially among the urban poor. To come alongside these friends with leadership training, small group discipleship resources, church planting models and encouragement is worth whatever it takes to be faithful and available.

The Topeka Rescue Mission’s new TUMI Satellite, which they call the Center for Biblical Leadership Development, launched their first class in May as part of their Servants in Training Program. In partnership with their Doxazo Missions Training Institute, another model will launch in January that will allow students to be certified in both Missions and Biblical Leadership.

It was great to have six leaders attend the TUMI Summit with me, and to connect with an Accredited Partner from our area who is interested in working together to develop models for leaders from among the urban poor who are called to bi-vocational ministry and who are seeking additional education.

We are looking forward to having Andrew and Adria Medlen and their boys with us part time for the next several months. As World Impact Topeka plans for classes and initiatives in area churches, the jail, community and neighborhoods, I am grateful for your prayers and support. The enemy is daunting, but is a conquered foe. We follow our Champion, Christ the Victor, and have cities to win for His Kingdom!

Mary Flin is the City Director of World Impact Topeka.