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April 2021 Bulletin

We can’t help but marvel at God’s faithfulness during COVID and the work you made possible due to your generosity!

Hope in Persecution

The pastors and churches they serve face hardship and persecution, but with your help we are able to provide them with training and resources like Trauma Healing…

What’s so Good About Good Friday?

What’s so good about “Good Friday?” How could such a horrific, unjust, and cruel death of the Messiah of God come to be known as “Good Friday?”…

The Endgame of Holy Week

It is a reminder that there is no aspect of our lives where we should feel oppressed. God is bigger than any circumstance that we experience…

Faith-Inspired Impact

It may be a revelation to learn that faith-inspired impact remains a mainstay in the United States—even more in Black, Latinx, and other marginalized communities. The opportunities for impact are endless in these neighborhoods…

Sacred Time

Viewing time as sacred is particularly insightful as we experience the one-year anniversary of the pandemic…

They Are a Rare Breed

Our graduates are Christ’s ambassadors—ready, determined, and adaptive, coming from a broad range of social and cultural backgrounds…