Sacred Time

Have you ever thought of time as sacred? We typically measure time by a clock and our economic system, yet we are challenged biblically to not root time in these things. Time was to be sanctified and life was to be a sacred rhythm. When we study the spiritual traditions of Jesus and the great traditions of the early church, four of them revolved around measuring time sacredly. If you grew up in a “high church” tradition (Episcopalian, Anglican, Catholic, etc.) you are much more aware of this than those of us who did not.

There is the tradition of pausing every day in the morning and evening for prayer, particularly reciting the Psalms. There is also dedicating one day a week for sabbath. The church calendar is primary over the chronological calendar, as we are in the season of Lent right now. And the practice of regularly taking “pilgrimages” (retreats) is viewed as necessary for spiritual growth.

Viewing time as sacred is particularly insightful as we experience the one-year anniversary of the pandemic. I remember tuning in to watch an NBA game last March when the announcers informed the viewing audience that the game was canceled due to an infected player. It was in that moment that I realized just how much things were going to change.  

During the pandemic, many of us have experienced the loss of life. World Impact lost a dear staff member and collectively within our community we embraced the truth that God is with us amid our suffering. For others, the pandemic may have had a positive effect. I have heard testimonies from people who have used this historic disruption to reset the trajectory of their lives and find themselves in a better place than before the pandemic began.

What is for sure is all of us have been affected in some way. Let me encourage you to take some sacred time this month and reflect on how your life has changed because of the pandemic. I am reminded of a statement made by Teresa of Avila:

“Let nothing disturb you, nothing dismay you. All things are passing, God never changes. Patient endurance attains all things. God alone suffices.”

After reflection, do not forget those who live in the condition of poverty. Their lives have been affected more than anyone. Be sure to pray for their recovery as we begin to emerge from the pandemic.

Buy Alvin's book Uncommon Church.