30 Lessons in Leadership

2021 marked my 30th year of faith-based organizational leadership. I’m thankful for God’s involvement in my journey. He has done “immeasurably more than I could ask or imagine…” even in the rough stretches. Here's a list of leadership lessons God has given me over the years – my “30 for 30.” May it be a blessing to you!

  1. People and situations are never as bad or good as you think they are.
  2. Sometimes you learn the most from your harshest critics.
  3. It's ok if you don't have all the answers.
  4. Forgiveness is an art, not a science.
  5. The office (work) will always be there. Spend more time with family and friends.
  6. Focus your time on what is important vs what is popular. If both intersect, great, but choose important over popular every time.
  7. The pathway of learning goes through the valley of mistakes.
  8. Focus on sorting out who you are as a leader, not who people think you are.
  9. People love to gamble with your chips.
  10. Every organizational problem is not a nail, so leadership should not be a hammer.
  11. Our foundation for faith-based organizational leadership is personal holiness. Be intentional and never take it for granted.
  12. What you have is way more important to your success than what you don’t have.
  13. Self-awareness is non-negotiable. Know what you know; be humble about what you don't know; proceed accordingly.
  14. Make peace with the fact that you need to raise money for ministry.
  15. When God wants ministry done, money shows up.
  16. As much as possible never speak of major problems unless you have possible solutions.
  17. Don't burn yourself out for Jesus. Leadership is exhausting so take your days off and use your vacation time. All of it!
  18. Being a committed member of a healthy local church is not optional.
  19. Leaders are made, not born. Treat all staff as if they have the potential to develop into one.
  20. Make those tough decisions that might get you fired.
  21. Keep three people in your life: a mentor, a close colleague, and a mentee.
  22. Vulnerability and transparency create trust with those you lead.
  23. Lots of ideas are great on paper but horrible in reality.
  24. Leadership isn't primarily about what you do but who you are. Become a practical theologian. It is your moral compass.
  25. Leadership is a team activity, not a solo project.
  26. Effective communication is the most underrated part of leading.
  27. Your leadership style will not be loved by everyone. Don't let this hold you back.
  28. Your primary job as a leader is to lead your organization towards solutions to the problems it encounters.
  29. For your organization to achieve its mission you will have to endure times of pain.
  30. Guard your heart.

Click here to purchase Alvin's latest book, Uncommon Church.