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A Purpose For Her Pain: Shampayne

Shampayne’s earliest memory was when she was raped at three years old. Adding insult to injury, her church-going foster family also abused her. Shampayne ran away at age 14…

Francis December Prayer Letter

Many of you know, my ministry was built IN community ministering to the urban poor—to the lost, last, least, left over, left out, and left behind…

Stevenson December Prayer Letter

I was busy and had a lot to do so I listened with one ear and half my brain. She didn’t seem to mind and kept talking. I kept working—until she said, “Will you take my baby?”

A Culture of Disciple-Making

Surrounded by spiritual darkness, people seek the light of a healthy local church. Yet, that is impossible without trained urban pastors and church leaders…

We are Thankful for You

As we approach the end of our 50th year in ministry, we are overwhelmed with gratitude…