Entz October Prayer Letter

Dear Friends and Family, 

Andy and I have met some amazing leaders here in the United States and Canada these past five months through our online Trauma Healing Training. Madj is one of them. Madj has been in Canada for three years. He is from Lebanon and works alongside churches who are reaching out to various refugee communities. He is employed by the Canadian Bible Society. Madj shared with us that he has suffered much trauma and now desires to help  others move through their trauma. 

Madj has a very young family and a very difficult ministry. We are excited that we can partner with him to help  build his “tool belt” of ministry. He has already lined up two Trauma Healing Groups and plans to attend our Advance Trauma Training in September, online of course. Andy continues to connect with him, and we look  forward to introducing him to our TUMI curriculum as well. 

The Pandemic threw us a curve ball. But our confidence is in the Lord. He goes before us and nothing surprises Him. Because of the Pandemic we have had the opportunity to expand our ministry reach dramatically, more than we could have imagined. The leaders and pastors we have been working with are tired. We just offered a mini session on “Caring for the Caregiver.” It was a very beneficial time with them. They are now trained to offer this same course to those they lead.  

Everything we do in Trauma Healing points to the Lord and His Word. He cares for us and we see that throughout  the Bible. We have loved being able to encourage pastors through these lessons. 

We are so thankful for your faithfulness towards us and World Impact. We know this season is hard on all of us. We pray for you also. We are grateful the Lord has opened new doors of ministry during this unique and  challenging season. 

Much grace and peace – 

Andy and Lisa Entz