God’s Sure Promise

We are unashamedly committed to telling the Story of God in Scripture, including the Lord’s Advent. We joyously affirm both the First and Second comings of our Lord! Through the prophets, God foretold the Messiah‘s appearing to his people, Israel, and at Jesus’ birth, the angels announced his birth to Zechariah, Mary, and the shepherds. During Advent and Christmas we reverently ponder God’s sure promise—the Deliverer will come and ransom captive Israel and the world. 

Our national social environment today is dicey and fragile. The yawning social and political divide, the bitterness and stress over police brutality and systemic racism, the numbing escalation of the COVID-19 health crisis, and the punishing impact of the economic downturn has left us all exhausted, troubled, and fearful. Times like this are even more punishing for communities of poverty, where individuals and families are deeply affected by such turbulent times, not only tangibly in terms of physical needs and care but especially in terms of anxiety and mental affect. People are nervous and troubled. It is easy to believe that we have been abandoned, that God is absent, and the future will be even more bleak than our normal, everyday cruelty. 

During this season we celebrate the Messiah’s birth, the incarnation of the Son of God, Mary’s child Jesus. He is the Word made flesh, the conqueror who came to reveal to us the Father’s love, to destroy the devil’s work, and  to redeem his people from their sins. Jesus is Lord even today in these troubles. We maintain our confidence that He can still transform our lives, our marriages, our families, and our communities, and usher God’s victory even in these times (1 Cor. 15.57). 

We joyfully proclaim this Savior in our programs and resources as the one true Lord who can help us engage and endure our present challenges. We are awestruck by our partners, who continue during the COVID crisis to do all they can to plant healthy churches in communities of poverty. Honestly, we could not do our work apart from your prayers and gifts. Your financial support underwrites our efforts with hundreds of partners and thousands of learners being equipped as ambassadors and workers serving the poor around the world. Let’s celebrate this season, God’s love in our lives. You are dear to us, and we thank God for your friendship and generosity. “Joy to the world, the Lord is come, let earth receive her King!”

Read more from Rev. Dr. Don Davis.