Providing for Church Planters

When I began working as the National Director for Church Planting, one of my first assignments was to watch an old Batman movie. In the movie, a character named “Mr. Fox” (Morgan Freeman) is introduced as the head of Wayne Enterprises’ research and development department. Mr. Fox spends his time creating tools and resources to solve the problems that Batman faces in his battle against Gotham’s forces of evil.

The Urban Ministry Institute functions in a similar way for urban church plants. Dr. Don Davis and the team he has gathered at TUMI are working hard to provide tools for urban church leaders and planters working among the poor. Every urban church leader faces the challenge of equipping leaders in their local context and TUMI exists to provide resources, training, and encouragement for this task.

One of the most exciting events of the year is the annual international TUMI Summit taking place in Wichita, KS this weekend (May 15-17). Hundreds of urban pastors, church planters, and theological educators gather from around the world (North America, Central America, Africa, Asia, and Europe) to encourage one another in equipping leaders for the church among the urban poor.

This weekend plan on watching the plenary sessions live on streaming video. You can find instructions for watching here and the actual seminars will be broadcast at All times are approximate and are shown for the Central Time zone (Chicago).

Friday: May 15, 2015
2:30 – 3:00 pm:  Streaming Test
4:15 – 4:45 pm:  Welcome and Overview, Dr. Don Davis and Rev. Roosevelt DeShazer
5:00 – 6:00 pm:  Plenary 1:  An Overwhelming Threat

Saturday: May 16, 2015
  9:15 – 9:30 am:  Streaming Test
  9:30 – 10:30 am  Plenary 2: A Diverse Team, President Efrem Smith 
10:45 – 11:40 am  TUMI International Highlights, Dr. Don Davis, Rev. Don Allsman

Sunday, May 17, 2015
9:15 – 9:30 am:  Streaming Test
9:30 – 10:30 am: Plenary 3:  The Coordination of Strengths, Rev. Dr. Don Davis

Whether or not you are able to watch the video feed, please do join us in praying for a powerful work of the Holy Spirit this weekend.

Dr. Hank Voss is the National Church Planting Director.

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