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May Prayer Letter, Al Ewert
I just returned from Cuba. How special it is to visit this intriguing country!
Sowing Seeds
Recently, I was at Church of the Redeemer with my friends from our former church plant. We were pleasantly surprised to see our old friend Enrique show up during worship.
The Reconciled Church Conference
I think one of the most troubling aspects of being a Christian, or being a member of the Christian church, comes in determining what type of line we are going to tow when it comes to social and justice issues.
Prayer Movement for Church Planting
World Impact has a powerful vision to see “The empowered urban poor advancing the kingdom of God in every city through the local church.”
San Diego Refugee Outreach
Mo* spent his childhood in a village full of people just like him. They shared the same beliefs, the same values, and the same foods. Tension was high between his people and the people from the surrounding villages. They managed to live alongside each other without violence until power in the government shifted.
From Burning Cities to a Burning Bush
The initial ministry efforts of World Impact were birthed from the Watts riots in Los Angeles 50 years ago. A few years later World Impact became officially incorporated as an urban missions organization.
Planting Churches Behind Bars
This is an excerpt of a letter from a TUMI student in one of the prisons in Kansas where we have a TUMI satellite.
Indigenous Church Planters: Alfredo and Salina
Alfredo started attending The Urban Ministry Institute in Fresno and connected right away with Rick Browatzke, the City Director and TUMI facilitator.
Expanding the Kingdom in the East Region
I met Father Andrew Wyns, with the Charismatic Episcopal Church (CEC), at one of his favorite eating spots, The Jamaican.
Church Planter Profile: Elwood Jones
Elwood Jones is the lead pastor for the Landmark Church of Alexandria.
Sankofa Experience: Part 3
When I first heard about the Sankofa bus trip, I was not quite sure what to expect. It was explained to me that it is a four-day bus trip to various sites in the deep south that were commemorative of the Civil Rights era.
From Living on the Street to Leading for His Savior
Daryll lived for many years in a self-built shack between the 105 and Imperial Highway.
Building Capacity
Many times functioning in ministry is like trying to navigate in the middle of a desert. When building a team within your organization, professional and personal capacity should be a guiding principle in bringing on new hires.
A New Evangelical Movement
I am both a product of the Black Church and Evangelicalism. I am so honored to have been mentored, developed, and empowered by both Redeemer Missionary Baptist Church and Rising Star Missionary Baptist Church of Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Sankofa Experience: Part 2
What kind of person would I have been during the early 1800s? I would like to think I would have been enlightened enough through my deep walk with the Lord to be ashamed and horrified at the reality of slavery, of one person owning another.
When the Poor Rise with Christ
For too many of the poor, marginalized, outcast, and demonized, every day is like Good Friday. They live surrounded by death, judgement, and prejudice.
Sankofa Experience: Part 1
Recently, my wife, Lisa, and I had the privilege to participate in a cross-racial prayer experience that took us on a four-day bus trip to critical sites of past and present racial injustice.
God at Work at Los Angeles Christian School
“Amy” was abandoned by her mother when she was very young. Her dad was never around, and when her mom left, Amy would float between her aunt’s house and her grandparent’s house (which are luckily right across the street from each other).