Recent Posts & Updates

Hope in Prison; Hope in Christ

At TUMI (The Urban Ministry Institute), we have seen examples of this “principle of reversal” time and again, so we expect the Lord to continue to do great things among the students in our satellite program, particularly among the more than 1000 who are incarcerated.

Missio Dei and and Missional Partnerships

When I consider Missional Partnerships I’m reminded that we as individuals, as a community, and as an organization are partnered up with the Holy Spirit on Missio Dei.

Feed the Hungry

I didn’t know Charlene. I never met her. She was someone my wife Laura and our kids met outside the grocery store one morning on their way to pick up some odds and ends.

Developing Missional Partnerships

One of the blessings I have in connecting with a wide variety of churches around the country is seeing the ways they are making a difference in their surrounding communities.

A Servant’s Heart

We are happy to announce that we are welcoming our second resident into the Siafu Leadership Home in Chester, PA. Stephen Rizzo, a student of The Urban Ministry Institute (TUMI) for the past three years, will move into the home this month.

TUMI Expands Beyond Borders

Recently, my wife Cathy and I visited historic Folsom Prison and heard amazing stories of transformation from the student-inmates.

Lessons in Redemption and Potatoes

The actual list of potato foods is not very exciting or interesting, but it is meaningful because of where the bags of potatoes came from.

Evangelism in a Rough Neighborhood

Wilmington is a city in Delaware located between Washington, D.C. and New York City. Wilmington has a reputation of being a “rough city” with high crime, unemployment, and drug addiction.

Dallas and Cuba Updates

Recently, we had the opportunity to lay hands on a new group of leaders for Iglesia Del Maestro in Dallas, TX. All of the new leaders have been or are current students of The Urban Ministry Institute (TUMI) and have been faithful members of Iglesia Del Maestro.

Providing for Church Planters

One of the most exciting events of the year is the annual international TUMI Summit taking place in Wichita, KS this weekend (May 15-17).

Get to Know Chip Gramke

Chip Gramke joined the World Impact team as Chief Financial Officer in March of this year.

May Prayer Letter, Jennifer Hammond

I remember going to school when I was growing up. I always loved my teachers and thought they were so nice, and beautiful, and perfect. It always threw me for a loop, however, when I would see them in public (outside of school hours)—the grocery store, the park, or some sort of event.

Sowing Seeds

Recently, I was at Church of the Redeemer with my friends from our former church plant. We were pleasantly surprised to see our old friend Enrique show up during worship.

The Reconciled Church Conference

I think one of the most troubling aspects of being a Christian, or being a member of the Christian church, comes in determining what type of line we are going to tow when it comes to social and justice issues.

Prayer Movement for Church Planting

World Impact has a powerful vision to see “The empowered urban poor advancing the kingdom of God in every city through the local church.”

San Diego Refugee Outreach

Mo* spent his childhood in a village full of people just like him. They shared the same beliefs, the same values, and the same foods. Tension was high between his people and the people from the surrounding villages. They managed to live alongside each other without violence until power in the government shifted.