Recent Posts & Updates
Faithful Mentoring
In 2010, I was the sponsor (madrina) for Brittany when she made her confirmation in the Catholic Church. This involved being a spiritual influence in her life during her teen years. At the time of her confirmation, she asked me to do a one-on-one Bible study and mentoring with her. Little did I know then that we would continue that for the next six years!
TUMI Student Becky Hoferer
Becky Hoferer is a single mom with a young daughter who has disabilities. Raised in the foster system from ages 11-18, Becky considers herself blessed to have had believing foster parents. But when she aged out of the system, she also drifted away from the church.
Equipping Students for Discipleship
“Miss, remember what you said about being a salt and light in the world? Well, it’s true. In my high school, people don’t know about Jesus…and I think they need people to show them there’s another way. You know a life that’s better than getting high, drinking, or sleeping with their boyfriends. My new friends are so sad, Miss!”
TUMI Student Darrel Auvenshine
I serve as the pastor of Southside City Church (SCC) of Fort Worth, Texas. The Holy Spirit led us to start SCC over eight years ago now with a specific mandate to not only be a church that ministers to the poor, but to be a church for the poor.
The First Evangel Dean School
The first Evangel Dean School was held last week. All of us at the training felt the power of the Holy Spirit at work in our midst. His power and presence was evident in bringing unity, clarity, and vision to the five teams assembled from cities across the United States.
David Gutierrez Prayer Letter
I want to pass along an encouraging testimony from TUMI Equipping Leaders – Los Angeles.
Jordan King Prayer Letter
I was driving through the southeast side of Wichita a few days ago in a neighborhood called Plainview. It was eye opening to see the poverty and lack of churches in the area.
Resourcing Leaders in Dallas
The Urban Ministry Institute (TUMI) of Dallas offers classes in three different locations.
Unshakable Kingdom, Unwavering Warrior
Last weekend, I had the opportunity to attend the East Region Siafu Men’s Retreat. World Impact puts on these retreats for men in each of our three regions every fall.
Faces of World Impact Topeka
This is such an exciting time to be in urban ministry. That isn’t to say that it is an easy time, but it is a time when opportunities are endless.
Real Revolutionary Hip Hop
I saw the movie Straight Outta Compton last weekend. In the late ′80s and early ′90s many believe that music and pop culture were revolutionized by the rap group NWA as they provided a stronger voice for the hip hop generation.
Facilitating Urban Leadership Training
TUMI’s stated purpose is to equip leaders for the urban church, especially among the poor, to advance the Kingdom of God.
Ministry Support and Validation
Ten years ago I started a church within the housing projects of Flatbush Gardens in Brooklyn, NY. My goal was to be a father to the fatherless, serving through community outreaches and identifying and equipping leaders through the preaching and teaching of the gospel.
Addicted to Chaos
When working with men and women who have spent years in the cycle of addiction, it is common to hear them say that they are “addicted to chaos.” Any kind of success feels uncomfortable, so they quickly sabotage their circumstances in order to move back to a place of disorder.
Resourcing the Great Commission
All of history is moving toward the consummation of the Kingdom of God, expressed in Jesus’ Great Commission.
Transforming a Community Together
After a bullet came through the window of Good Samaritan Church on Avon Avenue in Newark, the pastor gave me a challenge to do something to change our community. Then God gave me a vision to shut down the violence on Avon Avenue just for one day. Within a month, that powerful vision came into fruition through an event called The Power of One Unity Day Festival.
Partnering with Associates
One of the ways we resource urban leaders is through our World Impact Associates program. An Associate is an independent contractor who incubates and/or plants churches, forms Urban Church Associations, develops Siafu Chapters, conducts select urban ministry projects, or establishes additional satellite campuses of The Urban Ministry Institute (TUMI).
One Year From Ferguson
Sunday was the one-year anniversary of the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO. His death came as the result of a very unfortunate conflict with Officer Darren Wilson. This incident caused our nation to slip deeper into the chasm of the racial divide.